Save the Nature to Save the Future
The following simple ways as a “Green Pledge” of the NSF to save the Nature for the future generations
Green Pledge of the NSF
- Don’t cut trees
- Don’t use plastic bags
- Don’t burn plastic materials
- Don’t waste waters
- Don’t destroy natural resources
- Don’t eat junk foods
- Don’t drink carbonated soft drinks
- Don’t disturb the forests
- Don’t use aerosol products (fresheners)
- Don’t discharge pesticides, paints, oils in drainage etc
- Don’t use light sources during day time
- Walk in early morning to inhale fresh air
- Plant more medicinal plants in the surroundings
- Reduce the use of petroleum products
- Service the automobiles regularly for energy efficiency
- Condemn old vehicles for clean environment
- Reuse the sewage water for gardens
- Maintain proper rainwater harvesting system
- Avoid stagnant water around the buildings to prevent mosquitos
- Divert the kitchen wastes for manuring purpose
- Use rechargeable batteries and CFL lamps for energy savings